Elon Musk says he would very much like to develop a supersonic electric plane

In a conversation on Twitter, Musk said that if he could, he would love to build airplanes. But then his head would explode, as he is already working on many other projects and his desk is thus full. “In five years, there will be electric jets” was an earlier statement by Musk. Who knows, maybe… Continue reading Elon Musk says he would very much like to develop a supersonic electric plane

Tesla is preparing the world’s largest charging centre in California

Many opponents of electric vehicles cite the lack of charging stations and slow charging as one of their arguments. Tesla wants to dismiss such arguments as mere excuses. The company is planning a $1.3 million project in California. 18 charging stations have already been in operation for several years, and now 82 more will be… Continue reading Tesla is preparing the world’s largest charging centre in California

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