Elon Musk says he would very much like to develop a supersonic electric plane

Elon Musk

In a conversation on Twitter, Musk said that if he could, he would love to build airplanes. But then his head would explode, as he is already working on many other projects and his desk is thus full. “In five years, there will be electric jets” was an earlier statement by Musk. Who knows, maybe he has been working on this goal for a long time. Among other things, he said that so far he has failed to bring such an aircraft to reality.

“Maybe one day” Elon Musk explains when we’ll see a Tesla electric plane.


  1. I’m confident, if he finds time, he will manufacture electric jets, just like the way he did with cars and rockets and many others. I’m an avid fan of Sir Elon Musk and I admire him very much. I wish his dreams for humanity will be realized very soon.

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  2. I think you can do & you should do electrically driven plane. Once you succeeded the aviation drive will be carbon emission-free.
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    We are hoping in the very near future. Hope for the best.

  3. Hopping is the pillar of the goal.
    Time constrain still we are in all hope for future improvement in all sectors.

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